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Donating money to smaller streamers

0 Views· 06/06/23
Braaler TV
Braaler TV
675 Subscribers

donating money to small streamers
Watch me live - http://twitch.tv/Crispy

Today I wanted to give back a little bit by going to donate money to some smaller streamers on twitch. The reactions they had were absolutely amazing. I loved making this video and would love to make another one so please leave a like if you'd want to see more!

Please feel free to support any of the streamers in this vid, i'm sure they would love to see any new viewers in their chat!

Streamers in the video:
Tess (Just Chatting) - https://www.twitch.tv/tessugh
Randy (Super Mario 64) - https://www.twitch.tv/randyusername
Sophie (Among Us) - https://www.twitch.tv/sophiemarson
Key (Warzone) - https://www.twitch.tv/keybegaming
Raveryg (Runescape) - https://www.twitch.tv/raveryg
Jesus (Just Chatting) - https://bit.ly/2W7MWMu
Blissfulli (Just Chatting) - https://www.twitch.tv/blissfulli

Join my Discord! - http://discord.gg/crispy

My Links:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Crispy
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Crispy
Snapchat: CrispyConcords

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