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Scientists Have Discovered Why We Haven’t Found Aliens Yet

1 Views· 06/06/23
Braaler TV
Braaler TV
676 Subscribers

In twenty twenty-two, scientists hope to send a tiny camera to the Moon to search for extraterrestrial life. Here is a surprise, though: while the new James Webb Space Telescope will be exploring distant exoplanets the LOUPE mission’s lens will be taking pictures of Earth. Is this a joke? Not at all: scientists want to find out how exactly Earth looks from space so that the James Webb Telescope could search for similar and potentially habitable exoplanets. That’s because astronomers have been long puzzled over the question raised in the mid-twentieth century by physicist Enrico Fermi: where is all the extraterrestrial life? While observatories are preparing to receive the first data, I suggest we consider the most interesting theories to explain the Fermi paradox. Can we be the only living beings in the Universe? Or maybe Earth is just an exhibit in someone's zoo?

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