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Self Image - The Amazing, Absolute Key To All Personal Growth

2 Views· 06/06/23
Braaler TV
Braaler TV
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Self Image - Learn what is self-image, how it's holding your back from living the life you want, and how to start changing it.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

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Video Summary:
Self image is a powerful transformative tool if you know how to decipher it. Our self-image is our mental map of reality about ourselves and our potential in the world. Every experience we have, whether we remember it or not, impacts our self image. Some of those experiences have convinced us to accept falsehoods as gospel truths.

While some things that we believe may not be true, they can take on the power of truth in our subconscious. The problem is identifying which assumptions and beliefs are holding us back from making the changes we want in life. All our beliefs and experiences contribute to our behavior, which is 95% subconscious. That leaves very little behavior subject to conscious control.

Your mind has adopted a set point for every area of your life -- your fitness level, weight, finances, and relationship balance. Your mind has adopted a policy of homeostasis, or maintaining the status quo in each area. Convincing your mind to move the set point even a few ticks in any direction takes a herculean effort. To make any lasting change in your life, pressing your self image into service can be a much more powerful technique than using sheer willpower.

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