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Something Strange is Happening With the Moon Right Now

1 Views· 06/06/23
Braaler TV
Braaler TV
675 Subscribers

That’s the question that puzzles scientists who are monitoring the Moon. The thing is, our satellite is acting really weird: flaring up, erupting the fire, producing multicolored fog. It raises the question: is this celestial body okay? Astronomers can't yet determine exactly what all these unusual Moon symptoms mean.
Although the satellite is really close to our planet and was visited by both spacecraft and astronauts, it turned out that there's still so much that we don't know about our nearest neighbor. But the worst part is any catastrophe that could happen to the Moon would undoubtedly affect us.
In this video, you’ll find out: why is it dangerous for astronauts to land on the Moon? Can our satellite explode? And most importantly, can the Moon wipe out humanity?

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