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Braaler TV
0 Views · 1 year ago

What's the largest number you can imagine? Trillions of trillions? If you're not a professional mathematician and not some cool physicist, the answer is probably approximate. And could we visualize this number? Nope, we're not going to write out all of those zeros on paper. I suggest having a look at a device that shows the total number of atoms in the universe. And even surpasses it. I agree, this doesn't sound very realistic. But such a mechanism does exist, and I managed to find it.

#eldddir #eldddir_space #numbers #space

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Meet a distant relative of a velociraptor. Look at these big fangs: they could easily pierce the scaly armor of any other dinosaur. This dinosaur’s peculiar backbone let it move on four legs pretty fast... Wait a second. I guess I mixed it up; this is a skeleton of a regular mouse.
But hold on, don’t turn it off. Because the velociraptor I just showed you, has nothing to do with dinosaurs either. It’s a figment of Steven Spielberg’s imagination translated into reality by the Jurassic Park movie crew. So how did dinosaurs really look like?
Why were the first finds buried back? Why would scientists break dinosaurs' bones?
And who’s hiding from us the truth about dinosaurs?

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

5 Monstruosas inundaciones repentinas jamás captadas por una cámara

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

This nearly invisible dot among the stars is an unusual rogue planet. Although this object located twenty light-years away from the Sun doesn’t have its own star, the sky around it isn’t at all as dark as it might seem. Bright flashes light it up every now and then. The thing is, this rogue planet is twelve times more massive than Jupiter, and its magnetic field is two hundred times more powerful!
And this is what creates regular light shows featuring northern lights! But there are even more staggering worlds in our vast and endless space.
In this video, you’ll find out: how can a planet be ice cold and extremely hot at the same time? Is there a place where things fall not down but upward?
And what are the strangest known exoplanets?
#eldddir #eldddir_space #exoplanets #space #science

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

You can find these mysterious objects everywhere in outer space. These free-floating planets are very hard to detect among bright stars. But what if some advanced civilizations use them as spacecraft and travel on rogue planets all around the galaxy?

#eldddir_space #eldddir_earth #eldddir_future #eldddir_tech #eldddir_rockets

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Large bustling cities slowly sink. Animals die before they have a chance to save themselves. People have no other choice but to abandon their homes and flee. Humankind plunges into a war trying to take over unaffected territories. All these predictions may become a reality if Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth... turns green. Yep, you heard it right! Scientists from all over the globe have been exploring the continent for a century and concluded that around ninety million years ago, Antarctica was a fertile land teeming with life. But why at the same time, living on the continent was as hard as surviving in a horror movie? What will happen to our planet if permafrost degrades? And most importantly, can Antarctica become green again?

#eldddir #eldddir_space #eldddir_earth #eldddir_homo #eldddir_animals
#eldddir_disaster #eldddir_ocean #eldddir_bombs #eldddir_future #eldddir_tech #eldddir_jupiter #eldddir_mars #eldddir_spacex #eldddir_rockets

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Let's speculate for a moment. What would happen if our sun suddenly went out? For an hour or for a month or let's say even for a whole year? What would happen to mankind?

#eldddir #eldddir_homo #eldddir_disaster #eldddir_earth

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Bagaimana Jika Kita Menjadi Peradaban Tipe 7?

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Wie oft haben wir schon von Plänen gehört, den Mars zu besiedeln? Ich habe den Eindruck, dass wir den Raumfahrtbehörden dabei zusehen, wie sie das Brettspiel Die Siedler vom Mars spielen. Doktor Frederic Marin von der Straßburger Sternwarte hat ermittelt, wie viele Menschen nötig sind, um eine vollwertige Kolonie auf dem roten Planeten zu gründen. Ihm zufolge werden achtundneunzig Menschen benötigt, um eine gesunde Bevölkerung aufzubauen. Nur zum Vergleich: Nur zwölf Astronauten haben in der gesamten Geschichte jemals den Mond betreten. Und der Mars ist mit seiner dünnen Atmosphäre, den extremen Temperaturen und der hohen Dosis an kosmischer Strahlung viel gefährlicher als unser Satellit. In diesem Video beantworte ich die folgenden Fragen: Wie wird uns ein riesiger magnetischer Schild zwischen Mars und Sonne retten? Warum bauen Siedler Eishäuser? Und das Wichtigste: Wird die Marskolonie überleben?

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

У цьому відео ми здійснимо подорож зі швидкістю світла, щоб перевірити знамениту теорію Ейнштейна у дії.

Рідл - наука, яка наближає до перемоги! Просвітництво ще ніколи не було таким корисним. Кожна гривня з монетизації цього каналу буде передана на потреби ЗСУ. Тобто, кожен твій перегляд, кожен лайк та коментар - це твій вклад в нашу спільну перемогу.
Команда каналу Рідл запрошує до співпраці рекламодавців та всіх охочих долучитися до створення україномовного науково-популярного контенту. Надсилайте свої рекламні пропозиції та резюме та ставай учасником наукового кібер фронту!

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

#eldddir #eldddir_tech #eldddir_future

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Co jeśli zamrozisz kogoś na 100 lat, by potem go odmrozić?

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

ماذا لو جمدت شخصًا لمدة 100 عام ثم أذبته؟

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

#eldddir #eldddir_earth #eldddir_disaster

Braaler TV
0 Views · 1 year ago

#eldddir #eldddir_space #eldddir_earth #eldddir_homo #eldddir_animals
#eldddir_disaster #eldddir_ocean #eldddir_bombs #eldddir_future #eldddir_tech #eldddir_jupiter #eldddir_mars #eldddir_spacex #eldddir_rockets

Braaler TV
0 Views · 1 year ago

Was würde bei einem Erdbeben der Stärke 13 passieren?

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

I hope everyone understood where science ends and fantasy begins?)

Thank's Armando Sepulveda, Fernando Arroyo, CGSOS LLC & Twize films for "The Big Wave" project (04:03 - 04:08) in this video.
Original footage:
links to their portfolio: ,

What would happen if a nuke went off in the Mariana Trench? This is the Tsar Bomba the nuke that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev promised to show the West during the Cold War 58.6 megatons of sheer unadulterated power with a subsequent blast wave that circled the globe three times. And this
is the Mariana Trench the deepest crack in the Earth's. Surface a canyon almost seven miles or 11 kilometers deep up to three miles or five kilometers wide and completely filled with water.

#eldddir #eldddir_ocean #eldddir_bomb #eldddir_disaster #what_if #whatif #marianatrench #nuclearbomb #nuke

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

#eldddir #eldddir_space #eldddir_earth #eldddir_homo #eldddir_animals
#eldddir_disaster #eldddir_ocean #eldddir_bombs #eldddir_future #eldddir_tech #eldddir_jupiter #eldddir_mars #eldddir_spacex #eldddir_rockets

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