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Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Self-Inquiry - The technique of self-inquiry and all of its traps explained.

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Braaler TV
3 Views · 1 year ago

Jordan Peterson claims that hierarchies are based merely on competence and merit, but he fails to recognise the corruption that exits in hierarchies due to the capitalist system.

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied improperly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, ADHD, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable and well-ground mind and life. If your mind is ill or unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Warning: Psychedelic substances are inherently risky and dangerous in many ways. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. You should treat psychedelics like a loaded gun.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Needy vs Non-Needy Perception - A foundational video about two types of perception or cognition: D-cognition and B-cognition, as described by humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow.

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

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How To Get Motivated - Learn how to create ridiculous levels of motivation, so much motivation you can hardly fall asleep.

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Video Summary:
Motivation is within your own power to create. It isn't handed out willy-nilly by the universe. To get motivated, you need something to inspire you. The only way to identify what will inspire you is to do the introspective work to get to know yourself really well. Learn what you're passionate about, and chart a course for a cause outside of yourself -- your own personal vision.

Is your motivation for achieving your vision extrinsic or intrinsic? Are you motivated to it by "carrot and stick" consequences, or the mere hope of tangible gain? Or is it intrinsic, a vision based on your values, that is burning in your core, demanding fulfillment? Extrinsic motivation is superficial and typically less enduring. If you're counting on extrinsics to keep you motivated, you may cycle up and down. Your motivation will be more steady if you shift your motivation to intrinsic -- to values that are more in line with your psyche.

Spend the time and energy to be clear about your vision. If you lack confidence in your vision, introspect to determine why that might be. Do you need to better clarify the specifics of your vision, or do you need to find a new one about which you can be passionate?

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

How You Lie - A deep investigation into how your lies and manipulations toxify your life, robbing you of success and happiness.

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- Some concepts & examples used from Brad Blanton's Radical Honesty.
- Some concepts used from Peter Ralston's consciousness workshops.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Self Esteem - The inner workings of self esteem, the root causes of low self-esteem, and how you can improve your esteem today.

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Leo's Top 140 Self Help Books

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Video Summary:
Self-esteem is pivotal to determining success in life and relationships. Those suffering from low self-esteem tend to struggle more to find success and happiness in their endeavors. They may see themselves as victims, and are more often victimized, emotionally and / or physically. They may abuse themselves via self-destructive behavior or negative addictions. They often suffer from dysfunctional relationships. Low self-esteem can be displayed by feeling unable to control or correct circumstances in one's own life. Another common symptom is not valuing oneself, feeling unworthy or unlovable.

What are the elements of self-esteem? How are those elements related to the overlapping concepts of self-efficacy and self-respect? What causes low self-esteem and how does one's self-image contribute to it?

For those who suffer from low self-esteem, improving it is crucial to feeling empowered in virtually any aspect of their lives. The first step is typically to identify what triggered these internalized feelings, then proceed to awareness and understanding. Stomping out the irrational, limiting beliefs makes way for more logical ones. Low self-esteem need not be permanent. Correcting it can be an arduous process, but well worth the effort.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Why Am I Depressed? - The deep, root cause of your depression and the truth you need to know in order to be happy again.

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Video Summary:

The word "depression" is thrown around a lot these days in our society. Some associate it with their bank balance, while others are taking anti-depressants for their symptoms. It wasn't always this way.

Why is the incidence of depression higher today? While some people are clinically depressed, the majority of depressed people are self-diagnosed. Why is depression more prevalent in the U.S. than elsewhere in the developed world? Are third-world people less susceptible to depression, or do they simply have too many competing issues with which to cope?

Regardless of your diagnosis or lack thereof, deciphering the source of your depression can identify helpful strategies to ease symptoms. Happiness is partially genetic, minimally dependent on life circumstances, and the rest is derived from our psychology.

If you're searching for a way to escape the pall of depression, consider whether you're casting yourself as a victim. Take responsibility for more of your circumstances. Try to unhook your identity from your problems. Determine if you're living inauthentically, which can lead to depression.

Multiple DIY techniques can ease symptoms of depression -- rather than relying on medication, such as introspection, meditation, and exercise.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Frank Yang goes into deep nuances only high-level practitioners can confirm! Frank Yang helps clear up some of the looseness presented by Leo Gura in his video "Guided Exercise For Realizing You Are God."
There is quite a bit of difficulty when translating from high levels of consciousness to more typical levels of consciousness. Much is lost, if the low level practitioner clings on to approximate concepts too strongly it may stultify growth.

Thankfully we have Frank Yang to give us higher level descriptions, not to counter signal Leo, but show us how to outgrow helpful exercises.

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► Original Video: | You Are (Not) God (Re: Actualized.Org)

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

How do you know which sources of knowledge are trustworthy, authoritative, and credible? Who determines this?

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Bad Habits - I take you through a live exercise to help you drop your bad habit forever and replace it with something positive.

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Leo's Top 140 Self Help Books

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Video Summary:
We all have bad habits, whose effects can vary from mild to costly and dangerous. Once the rut of a bad habit is worn in your mind, it can take a lot of momentum to propel yourself out of it.

The first step to breaking a bad habit is to consider your motivation for wanting to change. External pressure to please or not disappoint others creates much weaker motivation than calculating a cost -- benefit analysis that convinces you to do it for your own good. The second step is to accept responsibility for your habit. You can't break a habit if you blame someone else for making you do it. And believe that you indeed can make the change. If you think you can't, you won't.

Then make a 100% commitment with no wiggle room. Use the Law of Attraction to replace your bad habit with a positive one. To further strengthen your resolve, employ the technique of visualization via future projection -- of both the mental, physical, and financial cost of continuing the habit, as well as the improvement in all those areas of your life when you substitute a positive habit in its place.

Disclaimer: All personal development advice and information is provided as-is and may not suit your specific circumstances. It may also contain errors or omissions. Neither, nor any of its employees, nor Leo Gura is liable in any way for any potential damages that may be incurred from this information. By listening to this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your life!

Braaler TV
0 Views · 1 year ago

Developing Concentration - This one key distinction will revolutionize your meditation practice. Learn how to multiply your meditation results by a factor of 10!

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Braaler TV
0 Views · 1 year ago

10 things that you really want in life but have no idea you really want. Changing your desires & goals is the ultimate self-development solution.

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Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

5-meo-dmt - Learn how psychedelic explorer Martin Ball became achieved enlightenment through the use of 5-meo and other psychedelics.

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Understanding The Authentic Self - An explanation of what your authentic self is on 3 different levels.

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

The radical moral principle that all human beings act from good intentions. This simple paradigm shift will change how to understand life and society.

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied carelessly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice. Leo is not a licensed therapist.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable mind and life. If your mind is dysfunctional or ungrounded, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Warning: Psychedelics are inherently risky and dangerous. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. Treat psychedelics like a loaded gun. Never use psychedelics chronically. Never take psychedelics in high doses. Psychedelics will not effortlessly solve your deep psychological problems. The less grounded your mind is, the more selfish you are, the harsher psychedelics will be on you. Psychedelics can create deep existential crises. Do not take psychedelics unless you love the idea of deconstructing your mind and reality.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Mindfulness Meditation - Learn how to start practicing mindfulness to develop emotional mastery, focus, self-control, eliminate suffering, and increase fulfillment.

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Braaler TV
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How do we know what's true? How can we be certain we know anything? A guided inquiry into human knowledge.

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

How you hold yourself back with false morality. Learn how the SHOULD-statements that you tell yourself every day are making you feel guilty, bitter, and weak.

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Final part of the series about self-deception mechanisms. Over 30 self-deception mechanisms explained.

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

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