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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Self Esteem - The inner workings of self esteem, the root causes of low self-esteem, and how you can improve your esteem today.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo's Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
Self-esteem is pivotal to determining success in life and relationships. Those suffering from low self-esteem tend to struggle more to find success and happiness in their endeavors. They may see themselves as victims, and are more often victimized, emotionally and / or physically. They may abuse themselves via self-destructive behavior or negative addictions. They often suffer from dysfunctional relationships. Low self-esteem can be displayed by feeling unable to control or correct circumstances in one's own life. Another common symptom is not valuing oneself, feeling unworthy or unlovable.

What are the elements of self-esteem? How are those elements related to the overlapping concepts of self-efficacy and self-respect? What causes low self-esteem and how does one's self-image contribute to it?

For those who suffer from low self-esteem, improving it is crucial to feeling empowered in virtually any aspect of their lives. The first step is typically to identify what triggered these internalized feelings, then proceed to awareness and understanding. Stomping out the irrational, limiting beliefs makes way for more logical ones. Low self-esteem need not be permanent. Correcting it can be an arduous process, but well worth the effort.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

How the mind uses double standards to distorts reality and the connection between hypocrisy and spiritual development.

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied carelessly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice. Leo is not a licensed therapist.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable mind and life. If your mind is dysfunctional or ungrounded, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Warning: Psychedelics are inherently risky and dangerous. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. Treat psychedelics like a loaded gun. Never use psychedelics chronically. Never take psychedelics in high doses. Psychedelics will not effortlessly solve your deep psychological problems. The less grounded your mind is, the more selfish you are, the harsher psychedelics will be on you. Psychedelics can create deep existential crises. Do not take psychedelics unless you love the idea of deconstructing your mind and reality.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Explaining how ketamine can be used to treat depression. Ketamine can temporarily lift the suffering created by the conceptual mind and show you the nature of depression in your mind.

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Lessons From Ketamine - Is Ketamine Useful For Spirituality?

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied improperly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, ADHD, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable and well-ground mind and life. If your mind is ill or unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

The Illusion Of Success - How society creates an illusion that success will make you happy, and how to break free of it.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

It looks like Leo Gura from has finally turned over a new leaf in admitting some of his previous "fundamental truths about existence", were actually just him getting carried away because he was high on 5 MEO DMT.

This has brought him to a much more rational conclusion that that he isn't actually the messiah that was personally selected by the universe to awaken mankind, that he doesn't have mystical healing powers, nor any other paranormal abilities.

Well, I hate to say I told you so... 😉

In this video I cover Leo's self reflection and give credit for him acknowledging the delusion state he was in when I first covered him last year, while also deconstructing the absurd personality cult that the community has built around Leo which has lead to them blindly taking his every utterance as gospel truth, even in cases like this where to do so would be preposterous. This behaviour can only be described as cult-like.

#psychedelics #cult #actualized

Here is a link with timestamp to the channel where Leo admits he went too far -

Intro music is Aqua Vitae by Chaos Control

CGI Background visuals by TAS Visuals -

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Understanding how psychedelics work and why they are so taboo. A psychedelic interrupts one's experience of ordinary life and can call everything into question.

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How Psychedelics Work - Making Sense Of Psychedelics

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied improperly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, ADHD, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable and well-ground mind and life. If your mind is ill or unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Enlightenment - The fastest and most direct technique for attaining spiritual enlightenment, without any mystical bullshit.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo's Top 140 Self Help Books

Braaler TV
3 Views · 1 year ago

Communication Skills - The six essential components you need to master in order to become a great communicator.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo's Top 140 Self Help Books

Full Video Transcript Here:

Video Summary:
Issues in communication can be devastating to careers and intimate relationships. Conversely, remedying communication issues will reap rewards for your whole lifetime. Six key areas sum up the most common failures that contribute to communication issues.

The six pillars of effective communication are: assertiveness, authenticity, open-mindedness, empathy, clarity and listening.

If you have something to say, say it assertively, so you will be taken seriously. Identify your values, boundaries, and own agenda, so that you can communicate them authentically. Smiling and being afraid to contradict someone may be interpreted as being inauthentic. Be open-minded to the positions of others, which helps you grow as a person.

Be empathetic to your listener, which builds common ground. The more clarity you use in communicating, the less likely it will be misconstrued. And don't just hear; demonstrate active listening.

Disclaimer: All personal development advice and information is provided as-is and may not suit your specific circumstances. It may also contain errors or omissions. Neither, nor any of its employees, nor Leo Gura is liable in any way for any potential damages that may be incurred from this information. By listening to this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for your life!

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Why self-deception is the #1 problem of all personal development and how to begin understanding the trickery of your own mind.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

What Is Spirituality? - A clear and concrete explanation of spirituality for scientifically-minded, rationally-minded, atheistically-minded people.

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

The most important skill in life is the ability to reflect and feel inward, into your own psychological processes. Here's what you need to know to develop this crucial skill.

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The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

How low self esteem is caused by a lack of Self-Love. Learn to practice self-love on an existential level and cultivate unconditional love for yourself.

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Self-Love - The Highest Teaching In The Universe

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied improperly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, ADHD, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable and well-ground mind and life. If your mind is ill or unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Spiritual Enlightenment - A guided walk-through for how to create an enlightenment experience using the ancient Neti Neti method from Advaita Vedanta.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo's Top 140 Self Help Books Forum

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

A deep discussion of the downsides and costs of socialization and how group-think and conformity hold you back from accessing the highest levels of intelligence.

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied carelessly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice. Leo is not a licensed therapist.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable mind and life. If your mind is dysfunctional or ungrounded, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Warning: Psychedelics are inherently risky and dangerous. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. Treat psychedelics like a loaded gun. Never use psychedelics chronically. Never take psychedelics in high doses. Psychedelics will not effortlessly solve your deep psychological problems. The less grounded your mind is, the more selfish you are, the harsher psychedelics will be on you. Psychedelics can create deep existential crises. Do not take psychedelics unless you love the idea of deconstructing your mind and reality.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Distraction - The sneaky way your mind uses red herrings to distract you from doing personal development and consciousness work.

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Understanding what true original thinking is and how to practice it. You need develop the ability to deliberately be alone and think original thoughts.

Watch The Full Episode:
How Socialization Makes You Stupid - Problems With Conformity & Group-Think

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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied improperly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice.

Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, ADHD, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo's teachings assume you have a stable and well-ground mind and life. If your mind is ill or unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.

Warning: Psychedelic substances are inherently risky and dangerous in many ways. Only use psychedelics if you are willing to take 100% responsibility for the consequences. Do not take psychedelics if you are too young, too immature, on mind-altering medication, or if you have a mental disorder. By listening to Leo you agree that is not responsible if you misuse psychedelics and injure yourself or others. If you decide to use psychedelics you must exercise extreme caution and carefully follow safety protocols. Leo’s use of psychedelics is always done with extreme caution and attention to safety. You should treat psychedelics like a loaded gun.

Braaler TV
3 Views · 1 year ago

Intuition - How intuition works and how to overcome the 3 biggest obstacles to reconnecting with your intuition.

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Quantum Mechanics - The radical metaphysical and epistemological implications of QM which even most hard-nosed scientists fail to understand.

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

What Is Meaning? - The existential nature of meaning. How your mind projects meaning onto the world and why this creates suffering.

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

Braaler TV
3 Views · 1 year ago

Self Actualization - A high level overview of the key elements of personal growth. What does it mean to be growing?

The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:

Leo Reviews Top 180 Self Help Books

Leo's Blog: Forum

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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.

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