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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

This is a guided exploration to support you to feel more calmness and relax the experience of pressure, stress, and controlling.

I know what it's like to desire to feel calmness, but yet the voice of controlling is too strong. No matter how much you want calmness, it's not enough to lessen the pressure and controlling. The voices of pressure and controlling don't leave by force. These voices relax by understanding.

If you would like 1-on-1 support, please click here to learn about private sessions:

Online Course – Release The Blocks To True Self Worth
If you struggle with any form of inadequacy, self-doubt, or unworthiness, then this course is for you. This course can get you to feel genuine confidence.

Online Course – Reclaim Your Naturally Joyous Self
As young children, our lives are filled with joy and ease. As adults, our lives are often heavy & tense. This course removes the harmful beliefs that came from school.

Online Course – Forgive Yourself To Love Yourself
Does the voice in your head treat you harshly? If you are angry at yourself, judge yourself, feel self-blame, or hold onto guilt, then this course will support you.

Online Course – How To Lose Exam Stress
This course will guide you to permanently experience less stress at school (and in your future career) by addressing the root causes of your stress.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Does your level of career success determine how highly you view yourself? You can never find true confidence or peace as long as you look for your self-worth from your work performance.

Want 1-on-1 support? I offer sessions online:

I also have an online course that was designed for students looking for self-worth from their school performance but is just as effective for people looking for self-worth from their work performance. Check it out here:

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

This video is for you if ever think that your emotions are illogical, you shouldn't be feeling how you're feeling, or there's something wrong with you for feeling how you do.

If you would like more support for your emotions, you're welcome to explore whether 1-on-1 sessions would be helpful for you at this link:

You can also check out my online course, Release The Blocks To True Self-Worth, at this link below:

Braaler TV
0 Views · 1 year ago

Living our lives analyzing, controlling, and strategizing is very unfulfilling. This video is meant to offer the alternative of surrendering to the moment. This could be helpful for anyone, but particularly for analytical people, people with social anxiety, or people with fear of failure.

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Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains exactly what causes self hatred, why you hate yourself (shocking), & how to stop self hate.
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The written blog post explains things in more detail:

Would you like to know the answer to the question "Why do I hate myself?" This video will explain exactly how to stop hating yourself, and how to stop self hate and self hatred.

Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to stop hating yourself. If you think "I hate myself" or you believe that you have self hatred, the only thing causing this hate is thoughts. Your particular attributes, qualities, and circumstances may seem to be causing your self hatred. But, in any moment that you don't think about it, there is no self hate. If you would like to know how to stop hating yourself, the first point is to recognize that self hate comes from thoughts, and the next step is to investigate the validity of those thoughts.

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

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Noah Elkrief

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

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Noah Elkrief

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains how to stop being jealous in a relationship by addressing the root cause of all your jealousy.
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Noah Elkrief

This video explains how to stop being jealous in a relationship, how to deal with jealousy in a relationship, and how to stop feeling jealous in a relationship. If you have been experiencing jealousy in your relationship then this video may help you a lot. The way that I explain how to stop being jealous in a relationship is by showing you the 2 root causes for why you experience jealousy in the relationship. The first cause for why you are being jealous in the relationship is because you think that your partner's love means something about who you are. The 2nd cause for why you are being jealous in the relationship is because you believe that your partner makes you happy and you wouldn't be as happy if the relationship ended.

If you want to stop being jealous in a relationship, the way to do it is to discover that your partners' positive opinion doesn't mean you are great, and their negative opinion doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. Secondly, if you want to stop being jealous, you have to discover that your partner can't make you happy. The way to understand this is by recognizing that thoughts cause your anxiety, worry, lack, insecurity, anger, sadness and everything else... and that your partner can't delete these thoughts in your head.

I hope you are helped by this video about how to stop being jealous in a relationship, how to deal with jealousy in a relationship, and how to stop feeling jealous in a relationship.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Are you choosing comfort over your own authentic path? Do you follow others' truth over your own? Does fear of rejection or abandonment block you from following your authentic way to live?

It's difficult to live authentically. If you want help dealing with some of your blockages, you're welcome to setup some 1-on-1 sessions with me here:

Braaler TV
3 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains how to deal with depression in a way that can have an instant impact. Get relief now.
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Have you been dealing with depression? Do you want to know how to deal with depression? Do you want to know about depression, and how to cope with your condition? If so, you’re in the right place. This video is meant to help you to deal with depression by giving you tactics that can help you get relief right now.

Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to deal with depression. In order to deal with depression and cope with your condition effectively, you first have to understand what causes depression. It may seem as if your depression is created by their being something factually wrong with you or your life, but that’s actually not true. If it was, then you would be forced to be dealing with depression in every moment that the facts were the same.

But, that’s not the case. While your job, house, appearance, personality remain the same, you stop feeling depressed in any moment that you are distracted from your thoughts. That means that depression is created by thoughts not by facts. That means your feelings aren’t created by anything being wrong with you.

How to deal with depression, and cope with your condition? Recognize that who you are is not a depressed person. You are there, and feelings come and go. Sometimes sadness is here, sometimes joy, sometimes hopelessness. None of those feelings are who you are. They are a feeling in a moment.

How to deal with depression, and cope with your condition? Find what thoughts are creating your feelings of depression. In dealing with depression, any time you have the unwanted feelings of depression, it is because there are thoughts or stories that are being played in your mind. If you want to lose your depression, you first have to identify what specific stories or thoughts are going on that are creating the depression. Write these thoughts or stories down on paper.

How to deal with depression, and cope with your condition? Investigate the validity of the thoughts that are going on in your mind. If a thought says “I am worthless” or “I am a failure” question that assumption. Ask yourself “Can I think of any reasons, evidence, or examples as to why the opposite might be true?” Don’t try to convince yourself that you’re great. Try to ask questions that enable you to discover that your original negative assumptions about yourself and your life might not be true or valid.

I hope that this video about how to deal with depression to be helpful.

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Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains how to find inner peace right now, and will help you to experience inner peace right now.
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Link to blog post:

Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to find inner peace. Do you want to know what the key is to finding inner peace? Look here and now for it. This video is not meant to help you find inner peace in the future, but rather to experience inner peace right now.

I hope you enjoy this video about how to find inner peace, and that it gives you a taste of the experience of inner peace.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains how to deal with depression by showing you how to stop feeling worthless right now
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Have you been dealing with depression? Do you want to know how to deal with depression and stop feeling worthless? If so, you’re in the right place. This video is meant to help you to deal with depression by showing you that you are not worthless, which can help you get relief right now.
Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to deal with depression. In order to deal with depression and stop feeling worthless, you first have to understand what causes depression. It may seem as if your depression is created by their being something factually wrong with you or your life, but that’s actually not true. If it was, then everyone with the same facts as you would be forced to be dealing with depression in every moment. But, that’s not the case. Your feelings don't prove you are worthless because feelings are created by thoughts not by facts. That means your feelings aren’t created by anything being wrong with you.

How to deal with depression? Discover that your feelings don't prove you are worthless. Discover that no job or situation signifies worth and value. Discover that what you want most is peace. Recognize that no situation can bring peace because no situation can get rid of your thoughts.

How to deal with depression? You have to recognize the difference between imagination and reality. "Wrong" and "worth" only exist in imagination. In dealing with depression, if you see this clearly, you can get huge relief.

How to deal with depression? Discover that there is no such thing as worth or value, and then you can't decide that you are unworthy. Discover that you can only find worth in your imagination, and even if you believe you are worthy, you will still suffer from anxiety, insecurities, worry and everything else.

I hope that this video about how to deal with depression is helpful.

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Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains how to deal with stress by giving 1 stress management technique that changes everything.
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Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to deal with stress, and provides a stress management technique.

If you have been dealing with stress, it is likely that you believe your stress has been caused by your external circumstances.

However, in order to understand how to deal with stress and get anxiety relief, you first have to understand what is causing your stress. No stress management technique will be able to work unless you are first clear that stress isn't caused by facts, but by thoughts.

If facts caused stress, then everyone who had the same facts would experience the same stress, everyone would experience that stress in every moment that their facts remained the same, and you couldn't escape your stress simply by thinking about something else.

The first step for this stress management technique for how to deal with stress is to discover that your stress is created by your thoughts and not by the facts.

The next step for how to deal with stress is to discover that you don't know what outcome would be best for you. You don't know if the outcome you want will lead to suffering, and you don't know if the outcome you fear will lead to joy.

I hope you found this stress management technique helpful, and that you enjoyed my video about how to deal with stress (how to deal with anxiety). Thank you for watching.

Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, describes how to get over a break up in a shocking way that will provide you with immediate relief...
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--- Read the blog post here about how to how to get over a break up here:

Noah Elkrief

This video how to get over a break up. If you recently had a break up and you are trying to figure out how to how to get over a break up a break up, then you are in the right place. This video can really provide you with an immediate relief.

In order to how to get over a break up, you have to understand why you were in the relationship in the first place. The reason why we enter relationships is to make ourselves happy. Therefore, that's why your romantic partner entered the relationship as well.

Since nobody can delete the thoughts in your head that create suffering, nobody can make you happy. That means you can't make them happy. Therefore, the relationship is destined to fail if the other person is looking to you to make them happy. How to deal with a broken heart? A broken heart is created by the worsening of your opinion of yourself. The only reason your opinion of yourself would worsen is if you believe they broke up with you because there's something actually wrong with you. You can't make them happy, nobody can. Nothing is wrong with you.

I hope you enjoy this video about how to how to get over a break up.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

Bestselling author, Noah Elkrief, explains how to deal with depression by showing you how to change a life with no pleasure.
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Have you been dealing with depression? Do you want to know how to deal with depression and stop feeling no pleasure in your life? If so, you’re in the right place. This video is meant to help you to deal with depression by showing you why you get no pleasure from anything, and what do about it, which can help you get relief right now.

Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to deal with depression. In order to deal with depression and stop feeling no pleasure in your life, you first have to understand what causes depression. It may seem as if your depression is created by their being something factually wrong with you or your life, or some chemical imbalance, but that’s actually not true (for everyone I've seen). If it was, then everyone with the same facts as you would be forced to be dealing with depression in every moment. But, that’s not the case.

Your feelings don't prove that there is something wrong with you, because feelings are created by thoughts not by facts. You can't get pleasure from anything because you have seen that the pleasure only lasts for a short time before you go right back to the same thoughts. Now, you are hopeless.

How to deal with depression? Discover that your feelings don't prove you are worthless. Discover that no job or situation signifies worth and value. Discover that what you want most is peace. Recognize that no situation can bring peace because no situation can get rid of your thoughts.

What is the key for how to deal with depression? You have to recognize the difference between imagination and reality. "Wrong" and "worth" only exist in imagination. In dealing with depression, if you see this clearly, you can get huge relief.

What are the most important discoveries for how to deal with depression? Discover that there is no such thing as worth or value, and then you can't decide that you are unworthy. Discover that you can only find worth in your imagination, and even if you believe you are worthy, you will still suffer from anxiety, insecurities, worry and everything else.

I hope that this video about how to deal with depression is helpful.

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Braaler TV
2 Views · 1 year ago

I offer an assessment of why traditional strategies to find self-worth don't work, and how to more efficiently live a life feeling self-worth, confidence, and wholeness.

Would you like support through 1-on-1 sessions? Click here:

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

It is normal for us to spend almost all of our time giving attention to thoughts and feelings. This guided meditation is meant to help bring you calmness by taking you to silence and stillness.

If you would like 1-on-1 support, I offer sessions on Skype:

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

This video explains how to love yourself unconditionally. It also explains why positive affirmations and other tactics don't work.
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Link to blog post:

Do you want know how to love yourself? This video will show you exactly how to do it.

To read the text version of the blog post, click the link below:

The first question you have to ask yourself is "Why do I not love myself?"

Since negative thoughts about yourself and your life are what make you not love yourself, the answer to the question "How to love yourself?" is to address the thoughts that make you not love yourself. In order to love yourself, you need to eliminate the thoughts that make you feel unloveable.

Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to love yourself unconditionally. This is not about trying to convince yourself that you are great. This is about discovering the difference between who you are, and what thoughts say. How to love yourself in a permanent and unconditional way simply requires investigating thoughts.

Braaler TV
1 Views · 1 year ago

This video will show you how to overcome fear by helping you to identify and disbelieve the thoughts that are creating your fear.
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--- Read the blog post here:

Noah Elkrief

This video is about how to overcome fear. If you would like to overcome fear, you have to understand what is causing your fear. It may seem as if it is the situation, but it is really caused by your thoughts. Fear, more specifically, is caused by believing in the idea of a "bad" outcome. If you discover that you don't what outcome would be better or worse for you, then there is nothing to fear. The answer for how to overcome fear, is to recognize you don't know what's best for you. Because you don't know the future.

Braaler TV
3 Views · 1 year ago

If you enter into a relationship with the expectation that your partner is meant to alleviate your loneliness or unworthiness, it will lead to suffering. Codependent relationships aren't fun.

If you would like 1-on-1 support, you're welcome to check out my Skype sessions here:

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